Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing in Arkansas

Dr. Spann at Little Rock Plastic Surgery offers different options for Skin Resurfacing- to treat everything from wrinkles, to acne scars, stretch marks, scars, and pigment anywhere on the body. Using the most advanced technologies tailor picked for your skin we are able to provide excellent results, while also ensuring that our patients have the safest and most comfortable procedure possible. Laser esurfacing provides safe and predictable treatment that is effective for all skin types and can be performed in our office in under 15 minutes for the face and under 30 minutes for an area such as the hips or chest. If you are interested in having brighter, smoother, and more youthful skin, consider visiting our Little Rock office to have a laser resurfacing procedure today.


Our laser is a unique surgical system that can be easily configured to address a patient’s skin needs, be it aesthetic or medical. The staff at Little Rock Plastic Surgery has been trained to the highest standard when it comes to operating the laser. They have familiarity with light technology, which can directly address skin issues having to do with face wrinkles, crows feet, aging and sound damage.

According to studies conducted at Stanford University light treatments can change the “expression of genes associated with the aging process to more closely resemble young skin.”


Dermatologists and medical professionals love the scalability, adaptability, and expandability of laser. It was invented with a purpose that allows its operators to reconfigure it as necessary. This means the system can be utilized to the best of its ability and give patients an even better quality of care. The platform stand, medical accessories, lights, surgical tools, and laser can all be adjusted in order to work in a manner that is most beneficial to the patient and the operator.

Multiple Treatment Options

There is very little that lasers can not achieve in terms of skincare procedures and stimulate collagen that will infuse life back into an individual’s fine lines and wrinkles.

Below is an example patient who allowed treatment of one part of her surgical scar. The treated part of the scar has partially faded into the skin improving the appearance.

Left side treated with the Fraxel laser, the right side untreated.

Below is an example of treatment for acne scars.

Acne scars before FraxelAfter 3 Fraxel treatments

Below are pictures of an example before and after two laser resurfacing treatments. Both wrinkles and uneven skin color are improved.

Patient before FraxelAfter 2 Fraxel treatments

Below is a patient with acne scars and the effects of sun damage (brown spots and textural changes) after three facial laser treatments

Before Fraxel treatmentAftere 3 Fraxel treatments

Below is a patient before and 6 months after treatments. Collagen remodeling is a slow process and the final result is best appreciated 6-12 months after the completion of the series.

Before treatment6 months after 5 Fraxel treatments

About the Technology

Made possible by the advances in laser communication technology, 125 to 250 microscopic laser beams are delivered into the skin. Each beam heats both the epidermis and dermis, allowing both superficial and deep treatment. Although 1,000 to 2,000 pulses are delivered in each square centimeter, skin cells between the beams are not affected thereby allowing for incredibly quick healing. By treating a whole area such as the face with 3-6 sessions, the whole zone eventually is fully treated.

Side Effects

With numbing cream and the use of a cooling device, most patients rate the pain of the treatment as a 3-5 on a scale of 1-10. Most patients experience 1-2 days of swelling, 2-4 days of redness and 4-7 days of flaking. There is minimal discomfort after treatment and patients may apply cosmetics immediately. The risks of scarring or skin discoloration are extremely low as this technology is very gentle on the skin.

Before treatment:

Before Fraxel treatment

Typical redness and swelling 24 hours after treatment. Please note that the improvement seen in the wrinkles is partially due to swelling.

24 hours after Fraxel treatment


Facial resurfacing compares very favorably to other treatments in terms of effectiveness, tolerability and side effects. Alternative treatments exist, however and are good options for some patients, especially given the patient cost of a treatment (approximately $1,000/session for the full face, smaller areas are less expensive):

Broad Band Pulsed Light/Fotofacial
Pro: Great option to remove most redness and brown spots with minimal downtime. Lower cost of treatment.
Con: Much less wrinkle improvement than Fraxel.

Laser Resurfacing / Chemical Peels / Dermabrasion
Pro: Deep peels are of comparable effectiveness to Fraxel.
Con: Effectiveness related to depth of peeling. Deep peels are like deep skin burns and require 1-2 weeks of healing as the skin is raw and oozes. Increased risk of scars and infection.

Ablative Fractional Resurfacing
Pro: Better results for skin tightening and wrinkles. Less treatments to obtain similar improvement in skin color.
Con: More downtime than Fraxel Re:store but much less than Full Laser Resurfacing (3-7 days of downtime depending on intensity).

Pro: No downtime
Con: Minimal improvement. Minimal to zero long term results.

Fillers (Collagen, Restylane, etc.)
Pro: Immediate improvement of wrinkles.
Con: Temporary results. Not helpful for brown spots or redness. Side effects include bruising and allergic reaction.

Little Rock Plastic Surgery